Schedule and Deadlines

The IRB meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month and submission deadlines to be considered for the Full Board Review are the 1st Wednesday of every month. The board reserves the right to remove an application from the agenda if determined to be incomplete. If submitted after the 5:00 pm deadline applications will be considered for the next month’s agenda. Dates are subject to change due to holidays noted by a *. Please see below regarding investigator attendance at convened IRB meetings during which his/her protocol is being reviewed.

All meetings are currently being held virtually. Submission deadlines only apply to applications verified by Research Integrity and Compliance to be Full Board. All other applications (new, renewals, and amendments) are reviewed in the order they are received.  If you are unsure which type of review your project needs, please call the Human Research Protection Program for assistance at 512-245-1423 or email

Submission Deadlines (5:00 pm CST)Meeting Date (12:00 pm to 2:00 pm CST)
  • The IRB board invites PI’s to attend convened meetings when the PI’s study is under review to enable the investigator to answer questions in real time about the protocol. Attendance is expected of all applicants and the board has the right to postpone the review until the next meeting if a PI is not present or faculty advisor is not present with the student PI. The process allows for increased transparency and communication and may help streamline the IRB communication and review process. When a PI is not present to discuss their project the board is at times unable to make an accurate risk review to appropriately address participant safety. The process can also be overwhelming for new student researchers and the board requires a faculty advisor or other designated faculty member to be present with the student for guidance and support.

    • Submit protocols as early as you can. Submitting at least one week prior to the deadline may provide one more extra opportunity to clean up the application based off initial reviewer comments. This results in a smoother review by the time the board convenes to discuss the project with the research team.
    • The PI will be notified by email the date and estimated time of review once the meeting agenda is finalized. This typically occurs a week prior to the scheduled meeting date.
    • It is not possible to guarantee the precise time during the meeting that an application will be reviewed, though every effort is made to limit the time a PI is asked to wait. A typical meeting lasts approximately one and a half to three hours depending on volume and complexity of reviews.
    • The day before the meeting a courtesy email will be shared with the PI containing the preliminary reviewer comments. The PI can then address those concerns prior to the meeting to help expedite the review process to occur that afternoon.
    • PIs will be asked to wait in a virtual room or to be available by telephone to answer any of the Board’s question.
    • The PI’s, and CoPI’s may attend (If you are a student PI your faculty advisor/sponsor is encouraged to attend)
    • PIs will be required to notify RIC if they are unable to attend
    • RIC/IRB staff will invite the PI to come into the meeting to answer questions. Once all questions are answered the PI will be asked to wait in the virtual waiting room while the IRB deliberates their decision. The RIC staff or IRB members will notify the PI about their decision remotely or via email.
    • If revisions are requested you will receive a notice from Kuali indicating revisions have been requested. You will have 30 days to submit these revisions to RIC for review. RIC reserves the right to abandon an application that has been pending revisions past the due date.